Saturday, 12 January 2013

Irish Bankruptcy in the UK is still an option

Much has been written in the UK national and Irish press over the past few weeks, about how difficult it is for the Irish debtor to go bankrupt in the UK.
My interview with Mark Hennessy of the Irish Times, explodes that myth.
A very few high profile individuals have had their bankruptcies overturned by the UK courts. Each of these cases were ob very specific reasons, and none as a result of any change in the law which suggests that it is not possible for anyone with Irish debt to go bankrupt here in England.
Indeed anybody with any level of debt can go bankrupt here in England, as long as they are prepared to move their Centre of Main Interest here and become habitually resident.
This is not a short term fix, it requires huge commitment, but at the end of the process, as least you have the certainty that you can go bankrupt and be released from your debt burden in just 12 months.

Here is the link to the piece that I did with Mark

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