Wednesday, 1 July 2009

How to Defeat a Statutory Demand

How to deal with a Statutory Demand.
We get lots of calls to the office from people who have been served with statutory demands via the post from debt collection agencies, such as 1st Credit, Connaught, Lowells, Robinson Way and Cap Quest.
Many are confused as to what they should do as the the Demand will mention that if the document is not dealt with within 18 days then after 21 days a petition can be presented. We can suggest that from experience this will not happen. The demand is being used as a debt collection tactic, and the Debt Collection Agency really has no intention of spending it's money on the considerable costs of petitioning for your bankruptcy.
We would advocate using the credit card write off service as a cost effective way or a) dealing with the demand and b) dealing with the debt. It will have the effect of putting the debt collection agency to proof that they have the right to collect the debt. In our experience they will be unable to comply with our requests for evidence of their right to enforce payment which will then lead to our ability to get this debt written off.
So if you have been served with a statutory demand from a debt collection company, such as 1st Credit, Connaught or Lowell, please contact us and we can use our skill and experience to bring an end to your worries.

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